

Coding is important because computers are unable to interact with our native languages. They can only understand machine code which is in binary or hexadecimal. It is a coder's job to enable humans and machines to be able to "talk" to each other.


Project management is important because it ensures what is being delivered, is right, and will deliver real value against the business opportunity. Every client has strategic goals and the projects that we do for them advance those goals.


Competitive programming helps you learn how to effectively work together, as you must work with others on your team to complete the same task. You learn how to assess your team members' strength and weaknesses and effectively divide responsibilities between each other.


Open educational resources are materials for teaching or learning that are either in the public domain or have been released under a license that allows them to be freely used, changed, or shared with others
OER gives a wide variety of materials from which to build a class without having to start from scratch. OER is important because it provides affordable material to students, allows faculty to enhance their own work, and provides faculty with content for classes.


Blogs are informal articles written for the purpose of showing thought leadership and expertise on a topic. They are a great way to generate fresh content on a website and provide a catalyst for email marketing, social media promotion to drive search traffic to your website



Technical events are the events happening around us conducted by some colleges and other platforms to improve and exhibit the skills of the programmers.



GitHub functions as a sort of social media site for developers and programmers. It allows your work to get out in front of the public. It is one of the largest coding communities around, so using it can provide wide exposure for your project.